Jesus called the disciples and began to form them into a community so that they may be with Him and that they may continue his mission in the world (Mk 3:14). We need to train the candidates to be with Jesus, to experience him deeply, to adopt his attitude and thus to become his true disciples. At each stage of formation we need to give the candidates the opportunity to grow in their commitment to the charism and mission of the religious congregation (VC65).

Samaritan Road

Come and See                    : General understanding of vocation, congregation and religious life – 3 months

Aspirancy                          : Choosing vocation – 1 year

Postulancy                         : Higher Secondary Studies, deepening of vocation and the knowledge of the congregation – 3 years

Novitiate                     : Constitution and Regulations of the congregation are taught. Classes on Religious life and Bible are given to the novices. The Novices go for their community experience too. Immediate preparation for the profession and vestition – 2 years

Juniorate                           :  5 years. Preparation for perpetual profession -1 year

On-going Formation       : Religious formation is a lifelong process. Each religious take personal responsibility to deepen the vocation and intimacy with Jesus with the help of various courses and helps offered by the congregation From time to time.