Consecrated life is a life of radical following of the Christ in the Gospel.  All our apostolic activities arise from our deep love for the person of Jesus.  Social work and education are two apostolic activities which help us to express this deep love for Christ in overflowing measure. First let us see about our social service ministry. Apostolic life is the life of love and service that is pledged to follow the Son of Man (VC.95) who came not to be served but to serve (Mt.20:23).  Love of God prompts us to love man who is created in the image of God (Gen 5:1).  If we look at the face of any suffering human being, we see the face of the suffering Christ.  When we look into the eyes of any child the image of the creator is reflected there. Our ministries of social work and education helps us to know Him a little more, love Him a little more deeply and serve Him a little more tenderly. This will help us hold on to our motto, “You also go and do likewise” St. Luke 10:37. May the Good Samaritan be our model and example.


  • Running job oriented training centres
  • Welfare programmes for the poor
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Old age homes, orphanages
  • Training centres for the handicapped and mentally retarded etc. 


  1. Day care centre for the elderly                                                     - 1
  2. Homes for the aged & destitute                                                   -  5
  3. Rehabilitation centre for the HIV aids patients                           -  1
  4. Rehabilitation centre for the mentally ill.
  5. Hostels for students, working women, Physically& mentally challenged , Hearingimpaired, &Tribal children                                                       -22    
  6. Production centres                                                                        - 4
  7. Creches                                                                                         - 4
  8. Community Development programme                                        -  2
  9. CBR programme for the differently abled                                   - 4


The educational services of our congregation can be considered under 5 areas.

1. Special Education.

2. Nursery Schools.

3. Formal Education.

4. Technical Education—

5. Tailoring, Craft and Home science, Computer etc.